Coverage Area
Quantitative bench marks like diverse clientele and qualitative one like impact spell that RSPL has crossed four states boundaries viz. Bihar, Jharkhand & West Bengal with its operational offices fully functional in all major cities of these states duly supported by young, energetic and forward thinking field force available round the clock for any response.
Our rates are reasonably competitive. For professional services it varies from case to case depending on the nature and scope of work to be done. While for providing manpower, the rates are calculated taking the prevalent current Minimum Wages, Statutory Liabilities, Service Charges & Service Tax into account.
- All businesses are people's business and this is truer of our business too. Personnel are human capital. They make a great difference to the top-and bottom-line of organizations. Happy internal customers deliver profitable initiative.
- We provide personnel who are suitably trained in the field to meet the requirement. The manpower provided are of course a mixed lot, which can be termed as 'M = E2' to yield better results.We follow strict hiring norms for selection of personnel for performing various security duties. We strictly ensure that the personnel selected for performing Guard, Supervisor and Inspector duties must be physically robust and are medically & mentally sound.
- The minimum in-take physical height criteria are 5'-7" & minimum Matriculate by education. For higher category of personnel the educational & physical criteria goes upward. A sample of our PERSONNEL SPECIFICATION is enclosed. However, being service-oriented organization our selection norms is flexible to suit the customer’s requirement.
We have a simple procedure for providing security services after due assessment. The procedures are consisting of the following stages: -